Make Your Independent Living Room Feel Like Home

Moving into independent living facilities in St. Augustine, Florida does not mean needing to compromise that warm feeling of home that keeps us comfortable. Even in a new location, there are a multitude of ways to smooth out the transition and get right back to feeling like you’re at your true home. Before homesickness kicks in, be sure to follow these tips to help your new Westminster St. Augustine home feel like, well, home!

Learn What You Can and Cannot Do

Every retirement community will have different restrictions on what residents cannot do. For example, depending on your facility, you may not be able to put holes in the wall or use specific furniture. Speak with a knowledgeable staff member to be given a template that you can work off of when decorating your new home. After all, you don’t want to spend time on any renovations that are disallowed by your new living arrangement.

Update Your Surrounding Aesthetics

Many rooms of a retirement community are often cookie cutter. That is, they all start off with very identical appearances. Consider your new independent living room to be a blank slate for you to impart your unique style upon! If possible, consider painting your walls for a minimally arduous way to inject personality into the room. If painting is not allowed, look to other ways to change the color scheme – such as décor and set pieces.

Introduce Familiar Scents

One understated aspect of what helps a space feel like home is our preferred smells. When you move into a fresh space in a retirement community, it will certainly lack the scents that helped your previous home feel so comforting. Bring in some of your favorite candles or wall plug-ins to fill your new home with those smells that you are so familiar with.

Decorate with Your Experiences

Anyone can use sets of colors or themes to decorate but nobody can replicate the unique experiences that define your life. Bust out the photo frames – this personal touch can alleviate any homesickness you may feel while also helping your new home feel like a truly special place. This way, you can take your new retirement community home and make it uniquely yours.

Make New Memories

We hope that your stay with Westminster St. Augustine will be long and happy. Part of making a new residence feel like home is making new memories in that new place! Rather than dwelling on the past and sinking into homesickness, you can dive into new adventures that help you embrace your new home. Explore new hobbies, make new friends, and live life to the fullest.

Fortunately, Westminster St. Augustine offers everything you need to discover renewed, gracious living. Featuring neighborhoods of modern, spacious apartments and villa homes surrounded by beautiful pine stands, there is no shortage of exciting ways to spend every day! Find out how you can make your lifestyle a little sunnier with our premier independent living facilities in St. Augustine by calling us today.

My W Life
my w life
Options for a healthier
and happier you!
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Health Choices
You’ll be happy knowing a continuum of care is there if you need it.
Floor Plans
Find the fit for your lifestyle.
Find the fit for
your lifestyle.
To infuse your personal style
is to be happy by design.
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Recognized Quality

Recognized for quality throughout the state.

We are proud to recieve the 2025 Governor's Gold Seal Award and the US News Award for Long-Term Care.

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Contact Information

(904) 664-2174